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美国斯坦福大学亚裔肝脏中心(由斯坦福大学医学院外科教授苏启深博士(Dr. Samuel So)于1996年创立。它以在全球消除乙型肝炎为目标,以合作共赢、公众教育、政策动员和科学研究为策略指导,在美国亚裔人群中和东南亚国家特别是中国开展针对不同人群的乙肝教育和培训项目。

翡翠丝带行动(Jade Ribbon Campaign):亚裔肝脏中心在2001年发起翡翠丝带行动,以提高美国的亚太裔人士和亚太国家对乙肝和其导致肝癌的认识。翡翠丝带行动的目标是在全球消除乙肝病毒与减少肝癌的发病率和死亡率。项目的口号是了解乙肝、接受检查、接种疫苗、积极治疗和教育他人(Be informed, get tested, get vaccinated, get treated and tell others),并通过各种创新方式在世界各地向公众和政策制定者介绍乙肝和肝癌的防治知识和信息。


请查看以下的翡翠丝带行动相关网站, 了解更多详情.
美國斯坦福大學亞裔肝臟中心(由斯坦福大學醫學院外科教授蘇啟深博士(Dr. Samuel So)於1996年創立。它以在全球消除乙型肝炎為目標,以合作共贏、公眾教育、政策動員和科學研究為策略指導,在美國亞裔人群中和東南亞國家特別是中國開展針對不同人群的B型肝炎教育和培訓項目。

翡翠絲帶行動(Jade Ribbon Campaign):亞裔肝臟中心在2001年發起翡翠絲帶行動,以提高美國的亞太裔人士和亞太國家對B型肝炎和其導致肝癌的認識。翡翠絲帶行動的目標是在全球消除B型肝炎病毒與減少肝癌的發病率和死亡率。項目的口號是了解B型肝炎、接受檢查、接種疫苗、積極治療和教育他人(Be informed, get tested, get vaccinated, get treated and tell others),並通過各種創新方式在世界各地向公眾和政策制定者介紹B型肝炎和肝癌的防治知識和信息。


請查看以下的翡翠絲帶行動相關網站, 了解更多詳情.
The Asian Liver Center at Stanford University is the first non-profit organization in the United States that addresses the disproportionately high rates of chronic hepatitis B infection and liver cancer in Asians and Asian Americans. Founded in 1996, the center addresses the gaps in the fight against hepatitis B through a four-pronged approach of collaboration, advocacy, research, and education & outreach (CARE). The ultimate goal of the Center is to eliminate the transmission and stigma of hepatitis B, and reduce deaths from liver cancer and liver disease caused by chronic hepatitis B.

In 2001, the Asian Liver Center launched the Jade Ribbon Campaign. Its mission is to raise awareness about hepatitis B and liver cancer and provide culturally competent health information to health professionals and those at greatest risk for living with undiagnosed chronic hepatitis B, which includes Asians and Pacific Islanders.。

Considered to be the essence of heaven and earth, Jade is believed in many Asian cultures to bring good luck and longevity while deflecting negativity. Folded like the Chinese character meaning “person” or “people”, the Jade Ribbon symbolizes the united voices of those fighting hepatitis B and liver cancer worldwide.

To learn more about the Jade Ribbon Campaign, please refer to our affliated websites.